10 Fatos Curiosos Sobre Tecnologia

10 Curious Facts About Technology


Technology has been a driving force in modern society, with constant advances and innovations.

Over the course of two years, many curious and interesting facts will emerge about technology that you may not have known about.


That ready, let's explore 10 curious facts about technology that we can understand.

From innovative communication devices to revolutions in the gaming industry, these facts show how fascinating the world of technology can be.


So, get ready to discover things that you may not have known about the technology around us.

1 – 1st E-mail

The first email was sent in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson, a software engineer who worked on ARPANET, a precursor of the Internet.

Choose @ as a symbol to separate the user name from the computer name.

Here, @ is used as a fundamental element in e-mail messages.

2 – 1st Phone

The first cell phone was launched in 1983 by Motorola.

The DynaTAC 8000X weighs about 1 kilo and averages about 33 centimeters of compression.

Or price? About US$ 3,995 at the time, or equivalent to more than US$ 10,000 in leaf days.

3 – Origin of the word “byte”

The word “byte” was coined by American mathematician Werner Buchholz in 1956.

It requires a term to discover a set of bits (which can be 0 or 1) used to represent a single character.

4 – Webcam

The first webcam was invented in 1991 by researchers at the University of Cambridge.

It was used to monitor a coffee shop and allow users to see if it was empty or not before making a trip to it.

5 – Mouse

The first computer mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart in 1963.

The original model was made of wood and had just a button.

All of the roles were not added until the 1990s.

6 – 3D printer

The first 3D printer was created in 1984 by Chuck Hull, who developed the stereolithography process.

The first 3D printed object was a small flake.

7 – 1st Videogame

The first video game was created in 1958 by William Higinbotham, an American physicist.

It was a simple tennis game that could be played on an oscilloscope, an electronic instrument used to display waveforms.

8 – Videogame Well-Succeeded

The first commercially successful video game was Pong, released in 1972 by Atari.

He was raised by Nolan Bushnell and Al Alcorn and inspired by Higinbotham's tennis game.

9 – Digital Camera

The first digital camera was invented in 1975 by Steve Sasson, an engineer of Kodak.

The camera weighed about 3.6 kg and took 23 seconds to capture an image with a resolution of 0.01 megapixel.

See also:

10 – Tweet

The first tweet was sent in 2006 by Twitter co-founder, Jack Dorsey.

He wrote: “Just configuring my twttr”.

The tweet became an iconic part of the history of Twitter and can be seen on the site.www.first-tweets.com“.


Now we explore these 10 curious facts about technology, we can see how much innovation and progress have been important in the history of humanity.

Since the first email sent to the emergence of technologies such as 3D printing and digital cameras, technology has evolved rapidly and affected the way we live and communicate.

However, it is important to remember that, like many other things in life, technology has its pros and cons.

While it has provided us with numerous benefits, it also presents challenges and concerns, such as privacy, cyber security, and excessive dependency.

Therefore, it is essential that we remain critical and responsible in using technology in our daily lives.

In short, technology will continue to shape the world we live in, and we must be aware of the changes that it brings with it, both positive and negative.

The knowledge and understanding of these curious facts about technology helps us to have a broader perspective on the impact that technology has on our society.

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