Utiliza el teléfono móvil como repelente de mosquitos

Use your mobile phone as a mosquito repellent


With the rise of mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika, dengue and malaria, there has been a growing interest in innovative and non-invasive methods to repel these insects. Among these methods, mobile phone applications that promise to repel mosquitoes have gained popularity.

These apps use high-frequency sounds to create a hostile environment for mosquitoes. Two of the best-known apps in this field are Mosquito Sound and Som Anti-Mosquito Repellent.


How Do Sound Repellent Apps Work?

Mosquito repellent apps are based on the premise that certain sound frequencies are unpleasant or disturbing to mosquitoes.

These sounds, often ultrasound (beyond the range of human hearing), supposedly interfere with mosquitoes' sensors or mimic the sounds of their natural predators, such as bats, or of male mosquitoes, which females avoid after fertilization.


However, the effectiveness of these apps is widely debated in the scientific community. While some users report a decrease in bites, controlled studies have shown mixed results regarding the effectiveness of the sounds in consistently repelling mosquitoes.

See Also

Mosquito Sound: Ultrasound against Mosquitoes

Description and Functionalities

Mosquito Sound is an app that generates ultrasounds designed to repel mosquitoes. The idea is that by emitting sounds at a specific frequency, the app can keep mosquitoes away without the need to use chemical repellents.

Main Features

  • Adjustable Frequencies: Allows users to change the frequency of the sounds emitted to find the most effective one against mosquitoes in their area.
  • Built-in Timer: Users can set the app to automatically turn off after a certain period of time.
  • Usability: Simple interface makes it easy to use even for those unfamiliar with advanced technology.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Eco-friendly and non-toxic, ideal for users who prefer to avoid chemicals.
  • Portable and easy to use, providing mosquito protection anywhere.

Som Anti-Mosquito Repellent: Innovation in Repellency

Description and Functionalities

Som Mosquito Repellent offers similar technology but incorporates a wider variety of sound frequencies and patterns, which could increase the repellent's effectiveness. The app is designed to be more adaptable to different mosquito species and environments.

Main Features

  • Sound Pattern Selection: It allows you to choose between several sound modes, possibly improving effectiveness by frequently changing the auditory stimuli to which mosquitoes are exposed.
  • Multiple Frequencies: It emits a combination of frequencies, increasing the chances of repelling a wider range of mosquito species.
  • Intuitive Interface: User-friendly design allows users to customize the application to their specific needs.

Advantages and Limitations


  • It offers more customization options compared to other similar apps.
  • Designed to be more effective by using a broader spectrum of sound frequencies.


  • As with other applications of this type, effectiveness may vary depending on environmental and biological conditions.
  • Some users may find the sound audible and annoying, especially at lower frequencies.
Use your mobile phone as a mosquito repellent


Mobile apps such as Mosquito Sound and Som Anti-Mosquito Repellent represent a modern, technological approach to combat the nuisance and health risks posed by mosquitoes.

Although the science behind these apps is still debated, they offer an interesting alternative to traditional repellent methods.

However, users should be aware of limitations and variability in effectiveness when considering these apps as a solution to their mosquito problems.

Download the app

Mosquito Sound Google App

Som Anti-Mosquito Repellent App Store

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