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Applications to learn to sing


Today, learning and improving vocal skills no longer necessarily requires the physical presence of an instructor.

Singing training apps have revolutionized the way singers, from novice to professional, fine-tune their voices and techniques. Let's explore some of the best apps available on the market, each with its unique features and advantages.


Smule: Sing and Socialize

Smule is more than a training app; is a global community of singers. It allows users to record and share their performances, as well as collaborate with other users and even celebrities.

Its karaoke functions with an extensive song library allow you to practice any musical genre. Although not exclusively focused on vocal technique, Smule offers an excellent platform to gain confidence and experiment with your voice.


Vocalizzo Lite: The Ideal Vocal Warm-up

Vocalizzo Lite is an application designed specifically for vocal warm-up and training. It offers a series of basic exercises that help improve vocal technique, range and power of the voice.

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Its simple interface and focus on warming up make it ideal for singers looking for a quick and effective routine before performances or long practice sessions.

Vocaberry: Personalization and Feedback

Vocaberry stands out for its customizability and focus on immediate feedback. It uses advanced technology to analyze tone accuracy and voice quality, offering detailed suggestions for improvement.

Additionally, it allows exercises to be adjusted according to the user's specific needs, making it a valuable tool for those who want to work on particular aspects of their vocal technique.

Voice Training: Tuning and Rhythm

Voice Training is known for its focus on pitch and rhythm. The app offers exercises that help users develop a sharper ear and maintain rhythm while singing.

With features including voice recognition and visual feedback, it is especially useful for beginners who need to understand and correct their mistakes in real time.

Singscope: Advanced Visualization

Singscope doesn't just offer vocal exercises; stands out for providing a detailed visual representation of the user's voice. This ability to visualize intonation and intensity helps singers better understand their own voice, identifying specific areas for improvement.

It is ideal for those who are more receptive to visual learning and want to see their progress reflected in detailed graphs and analysis.

Yousician: An Interactive Music School

Yousician is widely recognized in the music world not only for her singing courses, but also for teaching instruments such as guitar, piano and ukulele. Its interactive teaching method includes lessons, exercises and challenges that adapt to the user's level and speed.

Additionally, it offers instant feedback, allowing users to improve their vocal technique in an effective and entertaining way.

Riyaz: The Cultural Route

Riyaz focuses on classical music and traditional forms of singing. It offers courses ranging from basic techniques to advanced concepts, all designed to preserve and teach singing styles that are culturally rich and technically demanding.

It is ideal for singers who want to explore and perfect more classical and regional musical styles.

Applications to learn to sing


Singing training apps have transformed the way individuals improve their vocal skills, providing accessible and diverse tools that suit different needs and learning styles.

From social platforms like Smule to technical analysis tools like Singscope, these apps offer a variety of methods to help singers reach their full potential.

With the help of technology, anyone can take charge of their musical education and advance toward vocal mastery from anywhere in the world.

How to access it?

Smule – Android | iOS

Vocalizzo Lite – Android

Vocaberry – iOS

Voice Training – Android | iOS

Singscope – iOS

Yousician – Android | iOS

Riyaz – Android | iOS

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