5 Consejos para Bajar la Glucosa Naturalmente

5 Tips to Lower Glucose Naturally


3. Stay Hydrated

Staying well hydrated is crucial for regulating blood glucose levels.

Water helps the kidneys eliminate excess sugar through urine.


Additionally, dehydration can lead to higher glucose levels as the blood becomes more concentrated.

Also, drinking water is essential for skin health, as it maintains hydration, improves elasticity and helps eliminate toxins.


Good daily hydration results in softer, more radiant skin that is less prone to wrinkles and irritation.

Tips to Improve Hydration

  • Water Always at Hand: Always keep a bottle of water nearby and drink regularly throughout the day.
  • Flavored Water: If you don't like plain water, add lemon slices, cucumber or mint leaves for flavor.
  • Monitoring: Monitor your fluid intake, especially on hot days or during exercise, to ensure you are consuming adequate amounts.
  • Substitutions: Replace sugary drinks and sodas with water or unsweetened teas. These drinks can contribute to increased blood glucose levels.

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