Aplicativos para Medir a Glicose que Transformam Vidas

Applications to Monitor Glycose that Transform Lives


Glycose management is crucial for millions of people around the world who live with diabetes, so there are applications to measure Glycose that transform lives.

As advances in technology occur, applications for measuring glucose become indispensable tools, providing convenient and accurate ways to monitor blood sugar levels.


Let's explore the three best apps for measuring glucose, each designed to offer open support and empower those looking for more effective control of their health.

1. MySugr

(Android: Link | iPhone: Link)


MySugr is a leading diabetes management application, designed to simplify glucose monitoring and improve the quality of life of people with diabetes.

Its intuitive interface allows easy tracking of glucose readings, carbohydrates consumed, medications and physical activities.

The highlight of MySugr is the gamification resource, which transforms the monitoring process into an immersive and motivating day.

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Users can earn points and rewards by maintaining their glucose levels within the established goal.

Furthermore, the application offers detailed reports that can be shared with health professionals, promoting a collaborative approach that does not control diabetes.

2. Glucose Buddy

(Android: Link | iPhone: Link)

Glucose Buddy is a powerful diabetes management application that allows users to track and analyze their glucose levels effectively.

In addition to monitoring glucose, the application offers resources to accompany medications, diet and physical exercises.

A notable feature of the Glucose Buddy is its ability to synchronize with glucose monitors and insulin pumps, providing a more integrated and accurate monitoring experience.

Also, the application allows users to share their information with health professionals, promoting a more effective diabetes management.

3. Glooko

(Android: Link | iPhone: Link)

Glooko is an open diabetes management solution that integrates data from different monitoring devices, providing a complete view of metabolic health.

In addition to monitoring glucose, the application offers the ability to track medications, snacks, and physical activities.

The highlight of Glooko is its ability to integrate data from glucose monitors, insulin pumps, blood pressure meters and much more.

It offers a holistic view of health, allowing users to make informed decisions about their diabetes management.

Additionally, Glooko offers personalized reports that can be shared with health professionals.

Applications to Measure Glycose that Transform Lives


These applications to measure glucose represent the best in terms of virtual support for people who live with diabetes.

Each unit offers a unique approach to glucose management, from simple tracking to advanced integration of medical devices.

To provide powerful tools and valuable information, these applications empower those who seek more effective control of their health.

Please note, it is essential to consult a health professional for specific guidance on diabetes management.

These applications are valuable complements, but do not substitute professional medical advice.

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