Através do sobrenome descubra a sua história familiar

Through your nickname discover your family history


In search of our roots and understanding of our ancestry with fascinating and deeply significant themes.

Thanks to technology, we now have at our disposal a series of powerful tools that help us trace our genealogy in an accessible and effective way.


Two applications will not show any fields such as FamilySearch and MyHeredity.

Exploring the Depth of Ancestrality with FamilySearch

EITHER FamilySearch It is a new application developed by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Days, which offers a vast collection of genealogical records and resources to assist in ancestor research.


Main Resources:

  • Extensive Database: FamilySearch houses one of the largest collections of genealogical records in the world, making it easy to search for information about ancestors.
  • Collaborative Genealogical Árvore: Allows the creation of detailed and collaborative genealogical trees, where several family members can contribute with information.
  • Global Research: Offers the possibility of searching records in various countries and in various languages.
  • Digitized Documents: Makes digital copies of historical documents available, such as certificates of birth, marriage and death.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Hereditary with MyHeredity

EITHER MyHeredity It is an innovative application that is used in the field of genetics to provide detailed information about the ancestry and heredity of an individual.

See also:

Main Resources:

  • DNA analysis: Allows the performance of DNA tests that help identify the ethnic origins and ancestral populations of an individual.
  • Traçando a Linha do Tempo Genetics: Shows the migration and dispersion of two ancestors, providing a fascinating glimpse of the genetic journey.
  • Sharing and Connecting with Parents: Facilitates connection with distant relatives, enabling the exchange of information and family stories.
  • Detailed Reports: Provides accurate and personalized stories about ancestry based on DNA test results.
Through your nickname discover your family history

Final Considerations: A Day of People's Discoveries

Exploring our ancestry is an enriching journey that connects us with the roots of our family and helps us better understand our own history.

The FamilySearch and MyHeredity applications offer different approaches for this exploration, from tracing genealogical records to advanced DNA analysis.

By using these tools, we can unravel the mysteries of our ancestors and gain a new appreciation for the complexity and diversity of our lineage.

Now download the FamilySearch and MyHeredity applications and embark on a day of discovering people that will enrich your understanding of what you are and what you see.

Download the application here

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