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In today's digital age, where we spend more and more time in front of screens, it is crucial to take care of our visual health.

Long hours in front of the computer, constant use of mobile devices and exposure to blue light can affect our vision.


Fortunately, technology also offers us solutions to protect our eyes.

In this article, we will explore three leading eye care apps: Testes de Visão, Acuidade Visual, and OcularCheck.


Vision Tests: Your Ally to Evaluate your Vision

Testes de Visão is a complete application designed to evaluate and monitor the health of your eyes.

With a variety of visual tests, this app helps you know the status of your vision and detect possible problems.

See Also

Highlighted Features of Visão Tests:

  1. Visual Acuity Tests: Test your ability to see clearly at different distances.
  2. Color Perception: Find out if you have any deficiency in color perception.
  3. Eye Pressure Control: Monitor intraocular pressure to detect possible eye problems.
  4. Personalized Reminders: Set reminders to test regularly and keep track of your eye health.

With Testes de Visão, you can perform vision tests from the comfort of your home and take preventive measures to protect your eyes.

Visual Acuity: Train your Eyes for Better Vision

Acuidade Visual is an application specialized in improving visual acuity through personalized exercises.

This app offers you an individualized approach to strengthening your eye muscles and improving your vision.

Visual Acuity Operation:

  1. Initial evaluation: Perform a detailed evaluation of your vision to determine your starting level.
  2. Personalized Workouts: Create a training plan tailored to your specific needs.
  3. Progress Tracking: Monitor your progress and adjust your training as necessary.
  4. Daily Notifications: Receive reminders to complete your daily exercises and maintain consistency in your training.

With Acuidade Visual, you can strengthen your eyes and improve your vision gradually and effectively.

OcularCheck: Advanced Testing in the Palm of Your Hand

OcularCheck is an advanced app that offers detailed eye tests using cutting-edge technology.

From refraction to contrast sensitivity, this app provides accurate assessments of your vision health.

OcularCheck Highlights:

  1. Detailed Tests: Perform a variety of tests to evaluate different aspects of your vision.
  2. Instant Results: Get accurate results instantly after completing each test.
  3. Test History: Keep track of your past results to track your progress.
  4. Mobile Compatibility: Access your results from anywhere and at any time

The importance of going to an ophthalmologist

It is essential to consult an ophthalmologist periodically to ensure eye health and prevent future problems.

The ophthalmologist not only checks visual acuity, but also performs tests to detect eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataract and macular degeneration.

Additionally, an ophthalmologist can identify broader health problems, such as diabetes and hypertension, through an eye exam.

Even for those who do not have visible symptoms, regular visits help detect problems early, facilitating treatment and preserving vision.

No neglect of eye health; Schedule a consultation with an ophthalmologist at least once a year to ensure safe long-life vision.

Get an eye exam


Taking care of our visual health is essential in modern society.

Applications such as Testes de Visão, Acuidade Visual and OcularCheck offer effective tools to evaluate, improve and maintain healthy vision.

Download one of these apps today and start taking active care of your eyes.

Remember that good vision is key to fully enjoying life.

Download the application here

Visa Tests Android

Visual Acuity iPhone

OcularCheck: Acuity Exam Android/iPhone

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